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MSN Messenger


MSN Messenger Latest Version

MSN Messenger Live Essentials 2011 15 (Offli

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Oct 1, 2010
204.73 MB
Tested: Free from spyware, adware and viruses

MSN Messenger Popular Version

MSN Messenger 8.5.1235

Download Now
Nov 6, 2007
18.97 MB
Tested: Free from spyware, adware and viruses

Select Version of MSN Messenger to Download for FREE!

Software VersionRelease DateSize
MSN Messenger 1.0Jul 22, 1999323.44 KB
MSN Messenger 2.0Nov 16, 1999345.25 KB
MSN Messenger 2.1 Add info350.58 KB
MSN Messenger 2.2 Add info369.15 KB
MSN Messenger 3.0May 29, 2000646.77 KB
MSN Messenger 3.5 Add info752.27 KB
MSN Messenger 3.6 Add info753.77 KB
MSN Messenger 4.5Oct 22, 20011.64 MB
MSN Messenger 4.6 (Win XP) Add info0.96 MB
MSN Messenger 4.6Oct 23, 20011.41 MB
MSN Messenger 4.7 (Win XP) Add info0.98 MB
MSN Messenger 5.0 (Win 95) Add info3.90 MB
MSN Messenger 5.0 (Win NT/2K) Add info4.00 MB
MSN Messenger 5.0 (Windows ME)Oct 24, 20023.90 MB
MSN Messenger 5.0 (Windows NT)Oct 24, 20024.00 MB
MSN Messenger 5.0 (Windows XP)Oct 24, 20022.45 MB
MSN Messenger 5.0 (Win XP) Add info2.45 MB
MSN Messenger 5.0 (Win 98/ME) Add info3.90 MB
MSN Messenger 6.0Jun 19, 20037.92 MB
MSN Messenger 6.2Apr 22, 20045.00 MB
MSN Messenger 6.5 Add info7.92 MB
MSN Messenger 7.0Apr 7, 20057.01 MB
MSN Messenger 7.0.0820Sep 11, 200710.28 MB
MSN Messenger 7.5Aug 16, 20058.92 MB
MSN Messenger 7.5.0244Aug 3, 20058.90 MB
MSN Messenger 8 Beta Add info15.09 MB
MSN Messenger 8Aug 10, 200615.09 MB
MSN Messenger 8.0.0787Aug 10, 200615.38 MB
MSN Messenger 8.0.0792Feb 26, 200615.38 MB
MSN Messenger 8.0.0812Dec 13, 200516.38 MB
MSN Messenger 8.5.1235Nov 6, 200718.97 MB
MSN Messenger 14.0.8117May 12, 20101.19 MB
MSN Messenger 14.0.8117.416 (Offline InstMay 13, 2010134.85 MB
MSN Messenger 14.0.8117.416 (Offline InstallMay 13, 2010134.85 MB
MSN Messenger 15 (Offline)Oct 1, 2010204.73 MB
MSN Messenger 15.4.3538.0513Jul 7, 20111.23 MB
MSN Messenger 2009 (14.0) (Offline)Aug 6, 2009134.85 MB
MSN Messenger 2009 (14.0)Aug 6, 20091.09 MB
MSN Messenger Live Essentials 2011 15 (OffliOct 1, 2010204.73 MB

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MSN Messenger Description

In 1999, after acquiring Hotmail, Microsoft launched MSN Messenger. MSN Messenger is an instant messaging client that allows you to send and receive messages over the MSN Network.

Over the years Microsoft have tried to make improvements with every version they release making MSN messenger an all-in-one communication tool. Along with the different options of emotions, winks, skins, animations, it comes with free PC-to-PC calling, video chat, sms messaging and multiplayer gaming and more. Some of our users have commented that this huge amount of features has contributed to making the software bloated and has motivated them to seek out lesser no-frills versions.

The very first two versions of MSN messenger included basic features such as a contact list and ability to send/receive messages. Version 3 was released with VoIP capabilities which included PC-to-PC and PC-to-phone calling; it was also the very first version to include file transfer and the ability to appear offline. Version 4 was released around the same time as Windows XP; however it was only compatible with earlier versions of the Windows OS, until version 4.6 was released which was compatible with XP as it was part of the XP system. It included major updates to the UI and the group contacts feature. Version 5 was renamed to Windows Messenger and the updates included a windows media interface plug-in and UPnP based file transfers along with small changes to the UI. From 2003 version 6 upwards were no longer compatible with Windows operating systems prior to XP.

With the release of version 8.0 came the birth of Windows Live Messenger with new features and improvements. Changes included offline messaging, windows live contacts which gives the user real-time updates of their contacts, overall changes to theme/UI and option to change color of chat box. The latest release of Windows Live Messenger version 15.0 comes with a stylish interface complemented by advanced features to keep it ahead of its competitors. It has moved from just being an IM client and unified the social networking scene, VoIP services, photo and file sharing all into one user friendly, online communication client. The link between the client and social networking sites has made it popular among users bringing them updates from their friends and family. Video chat has been greatly improved with HD quality videos and you can now have Messenger on your mobile device.

For stability it is advised to use version 4.6 for Windows 95, 98, Windows ME, NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and even XP, as it is less bloated and faster. General opinion says that version 7.5 is the most stable version for XP. For Windows Vista most stable version is 8.1, all previous version do not work properly on Vista users have experienced regular disconnections. For Windows 7 version 14.0 (Windows Live Messenger Wave 3 - 2009 release) is the most stable for this OS, users have complained that version 15.0 is far too bloated and features from previous versions which users enjoyed have been removed.
Windows 95 and Windows NT4 are not supported in versions after 5.0

Steps to stop the force update of MSN Messenger:
- Look at your task bar and exit any MSN service. (simply right click and exit)
- Right click on the MSN Messenger short-cut / con (check desktop or start menu) and choose properties.
- In properties dialog box press "Find Target" ( This will take you to the installation directory )
- Now right click on "msnmsgr" and choose properties and navigate to "compatibility".
- Check --> "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and choose "Windows 2000".
- Press Apply / Ok, go to your MSN and sign in again and voila you are online

Pros: Easy to use real time instant messaging, voice/video calling, talk to multiple people at the same time, linked with social networking websites, stylish interface.
Cons: Uses a lot of PC resources (latest versions), installation file is big, has become bloated over the years.

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