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Eudora 8.0.0 Beta 7


Eudora 8.0.0 Beta 7 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Eudora 8.0.0 Beta 7  Change Log


- Search Messages now uses the fast index if turned on in the preferences,
Advanced->General->Enable Global Search and Indexer. The checkbox
"Use indexed search" in the Search Messages can be used to turn this on/off.

- Eudora now automatically checks if new versions are available. A manual
check can be done by going to the Help menu and selecting Check for Updates.


- Select newly inserted messages (FUMLUB) feature now selects end message if
there is no last unread block.

- Fixed bug where mailbox columns get set to the default every time a window is
opened. Now it just happens once on a per-mailbox basis.

- Thread column now shown by default for news windows.

- Added UI in the Penelope prefs panel to expose the setting that controls hiding
the tab if the there is only one in a mailbox window.

- No longer auto-opening Trash and Junk mailboxes when new messages arrive
in them.

- Restored functionality of In and Out toolbar buttons.

- Ctrl+0 is mapped to Reset Zoom in Thunderbird, and that conflicts with the
hotkey for open the Out mailbox in Penelope. So go rid of Thunderbird's key so
that Penelope's can function.

- Removed the Open messages in tabs preference because Thunderbird now has
a setting that controls that in Advanced->Reading & Display->Open messages in.

- The Backspace key now deletes a message in a mailbox window for Windows and
Linux (Mac Thunderbird already has this feature).


- Fix for bug where the saved window list get restored during non-startup times.

- Fixed bug where the about:config windows was being opened on restore when
the Pref window was opened.

- Activity Monitor, About, Error Console, and Venkman windows are now
saved/restored across sessions.


- Fixed the Contacts toolbar button in composition message windows, which wasn't
displaying the correct icon.


- Filter auto-naming now works correctly when using "Match all messages".

- Junk score and attachment conditions now used in auto-naming filters.


- Fixed problem where trying to find one-off imported folders for doing filter importing
and the name had changed from "Eudora Mail" to "Eudora Import".


- Renamed the thunderbird-branding.js file to all-eudora.js so that it takes precedence
over (i.e. is alphabetically before) the all-thunderbird.js pref file.

- Mail Start page wasn't showing up on Windows due to missing files in installer.

- Fixed up the URL portion of the SelectedTextURL entry for the Thesaurus.

- Localization of Penelope in to Russian by Alexander Slovesnik.

Eudora 8 Builds

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