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Feed Demon Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Feed Demon Beta  Change Log

* Added: Performance improvements throughout FeedDemon (basically wherever the feed database is accessed)
* Added: Author names, retweets and hyperlinks in Twitter status posts are now included in FeedDemon's prefetch
* Fixed: "Resync Now" marks items read in Google Reader
* Fixed: Check for new version fails when not synching with NewsGator
* Fixed: Invalid thumbnail images in synched Yahoo News feeds
* Fixed: Hitting J/K in quick succession focuses the wrong item in the newspaper
* Fixed: Unsynched feeds are included in the update after hitting "Resync Now"
* Fixed: Wrong # of steps show in startup wizard
* Fixed: Date algorithms follow the ISO 8601 standard and always treat Monday as the first day of the week regardless of the Windows locale

Feed Demon 3 Builds

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