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Macrium Reflect 4.2.2952 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Macrium Reflect 4.2.2952  Change Log

* New option to add comments to Images and file backups.
- Comments can be added by clicking the 'Advanced' button in the backup Wizard. Comments are shown as tooltips when selecting backups in the browse, verify and restore dialogs. See the help file for more information. This includes an update to the Linux rescue CD to show image file comments.
* Allow volume mount points as an image destination
- You can now select a volume mount point as the destination of an image file even if the path to the mount point is a sub-folder of the image being created.
* ReDeploy - Improved .inf file parsing
- Faster scanning of .inf files when using Macrium ReDeploy. Macrium ReDeploy is provieded with the Macrium Reflect Addtiions add-on, and enables restoration on Windows to dissimilar hardware.
* File and folder backup. Exclude hidden and system files is no-longer the default option.
- The default option when creating a new file and folder backup is now to include hidden and system files.
* Improved memory management for File and Folder backups
- Macrium Reflect uses less memory during file and folder backups. This prevents low memory issues when backing up large numbers (millions) of files and folders.
* Windows PE rescue CD update is available.
- Please click the 'Updates' button in the Rescue CD burn wizard for more information.

# Bug fixes:

* Fixed problem with slow network enumeration
- Macrium Reflect could become slow or unresponsive when navigation network shares for a backup destination. This has been ersolved.
* Fixed problem with network based incremental file and folder backups when the root backup folder is offline.
- Network incremental file and folder backups could cause an incremental backup to record the deletion of a folder if the root source folder was not available on a network share. The backup will now aborrt with a network error.
* Fixed problem with mounting differentials from the command line
- Using the command line option to mount a differential image could cause the full image to be mounted as well as the differential. This has been resolved.

Macrium Reflect 4 Builds

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