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mIRC 3.5
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mIRC 3.5 Change Log
- Using IP address of a server now works...!
- A ctcp ACCEPT/RESUME now doesn\'t look at the filename to make a match but only at the port number.
- Fixed perform option being executed after every MOTD.
- Notify on initial connect is now done just before Perform option.
- Fixed bug in displaying wrong Server Name in titlebar after changing server name in setup.
- Scrollback buffer wasn\'t freeing lines properly.
- Added $time, $day, and $date as parameter types.
- Prefixing a remote event with \'*\' means it should only be performed if you have Ops on the event channel.
- Optimized Text Copy routine - now faster/smoother.
- Fixed divide by zero GPF in /pop routine.
- Modified Op status checking routine.
- Added a font dialog.
- Width of user listbox in channel is now measured properly to take account of fixed/variable width fonts.
- Improved mode-change handling routine.
- ON ACTION now works for actions (same structure as ON TEXT).
- Using $* improperly would result in a GPF.
- The Always get IP address on connect wasn\'t working.
- A /me now cannot be sent without a message.
- Cleaned up several routines, removed potential GPFs & other problems. (most of which were detected while compiling the 32-bit version)
- Double-clicking on a servername in Setup dialog is same as selecting Connect.
- Now available in a 32-bit version (with optional air-conditioning).
- Added /wavplay
command. - Two bugs in Getting IP address routines were fixed.
- Fixed unknown mode oo bug.
- The ON OP/SERVEROP/DEOP were noticing only the first opped nick.
- Address as returned by a /whois now has an @ sign.
- Added $cb parameter, which refers to the first 256 characters of current clipboard contents.
- The /flood command now inhibits only specific types of replies to the server eg. replies to Remote/events/ctcp (basically, replies triggered by other users).
- Made random delay auto-op an option in the options dialog.
- A user in the remote user list can now have multiple access levels: 5,=10,=15,=17:*!*
1) The first level in the list is treated normally and can be anything.
2) The remaining levels are treated as = levels (even if you dont put the = infront of them). - Finger window popup menu now shows the last 5 fingered addresses for quick selection.
- Now prevents Channel list window being closed while a listing is being made.
- The mode change checking routines have been improved.
- Cleaned up/Improved popup menu positioning routine.
- Added /rlevel
command which removes all users with the specified access level from the remote user list. - Fixed problem with extra spaces being appended to sent lines.
- /omsg and /onotice can now take an optional channel argument. eg. /omsg [#channel]
- Windows opening in mIRC are now not given focus if mIRC is not the active application.
- Text in remote dialog is displayed more quickly now.
- /ignore now also ignores all notices. This means you can\'t do ctcp on any person you ignore since a reply to a ctcp is a notice.
- Added $server, $ip, and $host as identifiers.
- Can now define groups of commands/events in the remote:
#2 start
1:ON JOIN:...
1:ON TEXT:...
#2 end
You can use /enable #2 or /disable #2 to enable/disable group #2.
A disabled group is ignored by the remote.
You cannot have groups within groups. - Now shows User mode in status window title.
- The READ command in the fileserver now does paging (default of 20 lines) and prompts user whether to continue listing or to stop. User can specify optional paging size with: read [-numberoflines]
- The READ fileserver command now also allows reading of any file.
- Control-Home/End now moves to top/bottom of window text buffer.
Control-Page Up/Down moves up/down line-by-line. - Can now do /help
for most commands mirc knows. - Each window now has a 20 line command history buffer, use Cursor Up/Down in single-line editbox, or Control-Up/Down in multi-line editbox.
- Protect-list bug fixed.
- /ruser nick! now removes any address beginning with nick! in the user list.
- Can now handle multiple /ban and /guser commands one after the other.
- Can now also specify *N1-N2 or $parmN1-N2. For a horrible example, see:
1:TEST:/notice $1 *1 *2-6 *9:$nick $parms $parm1 $parm1* $parm3-5 $parm4-9 - Optimized text display routines.
- Fixed the undernet /uwho X GPF.
- Fixed % problem with actions.
- Improved output of /finger routine, now expands tabs and inserts empty lines in the correct places.
- Fixed GPF bug in handling of KILLs.
- Added a crude ON MODE/SERVERMODE to react to a *channel* mode change.
1!:ON MODE:#mirc:-spmi+lktn 20 mykey:/notice *1:$nick Illegal mode change!
When someone changes the channel mode, mIRC enforces the above channel mode instead, and sends the user a notice. - Now removes redundant spaces from lines in the Options dialog.
- Fixed disappearing popups/commands/events problem.
- Improved /ruser command so that it can work like /ban and /guser.
/ruser[type] if you do NOT specify a type, then it works as usual and removes the specified nick from the user list. If you DO specify a type, it looks up the users address and removes that address from the user list. - Now correctly initiates a DCC CHAT using \'chat\' as opposed to the originators name.
- Improved Channel List Window Popup menu. Added a dialog which allows you to respecify the list parameters to relist the window without having to do a relist from the server.
- Fixed Error sending data at end of transfer with fast send turned on.
mIRC 3.5 Screenshots
mIRC 3 Builds
- mIRC 7.43
- mIRC 7.39 (Beta)
- mIRC 7.38
- mIRC 7.37 (Beta)
- mIRC 7.35 (Beta)
- mIRC 7.31 (Beta)
- mIRC 7.29
- mIRC 7.27
- mIRC 7.25
- mIRC 7.22
- mIRC
- mIRC 7.19
- mIRC 7.17
- mIRC 7.15
- mIRC 7.14
- mIRC 7.1
- mIRC 6.35
- mIRC 6.34
- mIRC 6.33
- mIRC 6.32
- mIRC 6.31
- mIRC 6.3
- mIRC 6.21
- mIRC 6.2
- mIRC 6.17
- mIRC 6.16
- mIRC 6.15
- mIRC 6.14
- mIRC 6.12
- mIRC 6.11
- mIRC 6.1
- mIRC 6.03
- mIRC 6.02
- mIRC 6.0
- mIRC 5.82
- mIRC 5.81
- mIRC 5.8
- mIRC 5.71
- mIRC 5.7
- mIRC 5.61
- mIRC 5.6
- mIRC 5.51
- mIRC 5.5
- mIRC 5.41
- mIRC 5.4
- mIRC 5.31
- mIRC 5.3
- mIRC 5.11
- mIRC 5.1
- mIRC 5.02
- mIRC 5.0
- mIRC 4.72
- mIRC 4.7
- mIRC 4.6
- mIRC 4.52
- mIRC 4.5
- mIRC 4.1
- mIRC 4.0
- mIRC 3.92
- mIRC 3.9
- mIRC 3.8
- mIRC 3.72
- mIRC 3.7
- mIRC 3.64
- mIRC 3.6
- mIRC 3.51
- mIRC 3.42
- mIRC 3.4
- mIRC 3.2
- mIRC 3.1
- mIRC 3.0
- mIRC 2.7a
- mIRC 2.5a
- mIRC 2.4a
- mIRC 2.1a
- mIRC 2.1
mIRC Comments