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UltraVNC 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

UltraVNC  Change Log

Viewer -Fix bug where screen froze when file transfer or chat was open. -Close the chat dialog before deleting TextChat object. Wait for thread to exit before returning from KillDialog() -Fixed server crash in KillAllClients when chat window was open -Suppress duplicate messages about lost communications. -Suppress "File transfer completed" message if there's an error so the error is seen in the history dropdown -autoreconnect fix -unzip32 zip32 now always look in installed folder Server -Save option permission fix -performance tweak for server-side scaling -Close the chat dialog before deleting TextChat object. Wait for thread to exit before returning from KillDialog() -Fixed server crash in KillAllClients when chat window was open -Suppress duplicate messages about lost communications. -close textchat dialog if open before deleting textchat object to avoid crashing the server. -Update java -unzip32/zip32 embedded -Drivers fixed clasic style (bad captionbar)

UltraVNC 1 Builds

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